It seems there was an old pirate living in the Black Flag Pirate Retirement Community who was being interviewed by the new, young house doctor. The old pirate was your typical pirate, peg leg, hook for a hand and a patch over one eye. The young doctor was trying to get his medical history.

"Well," says the pirate; "We was bombarding this Spanish fort when this cannonball hits me ship and blasts off me leg."

"And the hand?" asks the doctor.

The pirate says, "I tell you sonny, we had boarded this fine ship and there was fighting going on all around. This mate I was battling was pretty good and he made a lucky swipe with his sword and took me hand clean off."

"OK," said the doctor; "How about your eye?"

"Well," said the pirate; "I was standing on the deck one day when a seagull flew down and pooped in me eye."

"Wait a minute," said the young doctor. "Do you expect me to believe that you lost your eye because some bird pooped in it?"

"Well," said the old pirate; "It was the first day I got me new hook!"

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