These are purported to be real personalized license plates for cars in the United States.

WUF WUF - On a Brown Rover

KSNKUZNS - Two first cousins married a few years ago, they live in the South, so their license plate reads "kissing cousins".

2QT4U - 2 Cute for you

TUSKY - To ski

TIHZ O - This one that works in the rear view mirror. This guy fooled the Ontario authorities.

4MYEGO - On a Porsche.

BSSCLRNT - On a professional bass clarinetist' car.

BANDLADY - On a high school band teacher's car.

ORFFAN - On a car of music educator, who teaches using methods developed by Carl Orff.

SEWBIZ - On the car owned by a sewing machine dealership.

IDUNTOLU - Seen on a school principal's car. He was in charge of discipline.

GGR OOM - On a Horse Grooming Company car.

PN DCTR - On acupuncturist's car.

6UL DV8 - Sexual Deviate

JUNK - On a 1993 GMC (jimmy). On a recycler of junk metals in Maryland.

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